5 Tips to Make Your Boss Happy

While it is not usually a part of your job to please your Boss or to make him or her happy, having a relaxed and easy going boss is good for your career and helps you keep out of work related stress.

Although you might be a boss yourself, its also important in terms of personal relations, to acknowledge what can make you happy at work.

SparkVictory has these 5 great tips on how to make your boss happy:

1. Preference for receiving information: This is a very crucial element in your bosses happiness, it makes the difference in their frustration level and their perception of how effective you are. The medium or method of delivery that your boss receives information can really speed up communication and time management. Does your boss hate email but loves to get phone calls instead? Or do they despise email attachments but prefer a printed hard copy on their desk? Or do they want everything in a centralized location like a web-based file storage?

Also important to note is the frequency you provide the information. If your boss loves email, that doesn’t mean you should engage him in a back-and-forth email string with 25 emails, when you can just pick up the phone, talk about it and get it done.

Perhaps the best way to figure out the best way to deliver information to your boss is to ask. If he is too intimidating, simply ask a colleague who already has established a successful working relationships with the same boss.

2. Adapt to your boss’s Management Style: Bosses generally fall into two types of personalities, they can either be a “micromanager” or a “hands off” type. You will need to adjust your approach to each type to really make an impact.

Happy BossThe “Micro-manager” Boss: This type of boss loves to be in complete control at ALL times. They just need to be included in each step of projects or in most tasks. Usually, they are very process driven and want you to do things by the standard procedure. The best way to deal with this kind of boss is to build TRUST. The “micromanager” boss needs to know that you can be counted on and that things will be ok. Of course building trust will take some time and the best way to build trust is to always be prepared. Have information ready to update your boss of any new developments or current status, don’t get caught off guard when your boss inquires about ANY detail. Each time you successfully deliver, the more trust is built and your boss will be pleased that work is getting done properly.

The “Hands Off Manager” Boss: The “hands off” boss has a very laid back approach. Rather than involving himself every step of the way, he is focused mainly on end results. This boss will only discuss with you to find out if the project or task is done. They don’t care how you do it as long as you stayed within the guidelines and achieved the desired results. The best way to keep a “hands off” kind of boss happy is to learn to meet deadlines well ahead of schedule. This ensures that you can still receive feedback before the actual deadline, which can help correct any mistakes, as well as satisfy the most important thing your boss cares about: the desired results.

3. Ease what worries them the most: The best bosses convey strength and show little emotion, after all its strictly business for them. But bosses are people too, yes its true, they can get stressed out from time to time. Each boss has one thing that keeps them up at night and worries them the most. It can vary with anything from the company website, to employee happiness (really), financial matters, and so on.

The main worry of your boss can be difficult to uncover as they would be reluctant to make is so apparent. Look for signs such as constant requests for updates or status with a certain area. Are they always talking about the company website? Do they constantly ask the same questions about “website updates and new visitors”? When you find the main worry, it’s time to take the initiative and provide your recommended solutions to address the issue. Speak in a tone that you are concerned about the subject just as much For example “I noticed that the company website is outdated, is there anything I could do to help?” You would be surprised to see the boss respond positively, as now he is not the only person concerned.

* Its important to note that your boss’ main worry might not even apply to you at all, as it could involve a department that you don’t belong to. Although you should still keep a lookout of how you can help.

4. Ask For More Responsibility: This is something that all bosses are really be fond of. Asking for more responsibility from your boss shows that you want to improve your skills and increase your value. You will be seen as a hard worker and someone who can really be counted on. With that said, it’s important that you don’t ask for more responsibility unless you are ready. Be prepared to truly commit to making a difference, don’t ask for just the sake of making your boss happy. You have to be keen to make a positive change and deliver results. Or you will fail and be in a worse situation than before.

Keep in mind that asking for more responsibility should be carefully planned. You need to address the following questions: Will asking for more responsibility create a solution for your boss? Or will it just create another problem for him (training)? Do you have the right resources to take on more (tools, time, environment, staff etc)? When would the best time to discuss with your boss? If you do decide to ask for more responsibility, set up a time for a discussion. Do not barge into your boss’ office and catch him off guard, instead send him a request that you would like to “open up the lines of communication about gaining more responsibility”. This can help you figure out if he is responsive to the idea at all and help him gather his thoughts.

5. Offer Your Boss Feedback: Often, when people attain top management position, they will receive less and less feedback. When bosses do receive feedback, the message is usually not clear or honest assessments of their actions. Everyone wants to please the boss with complete agreement. However this can be very troublesome for your boss when it comes time to gauge the effectiveness of their decisions.

Of course, providing feedback requires a fine balance and tactfulness. As your boss is still the ultimate decision maker, be careful not to express criticism or lack of confidence. Feedback to your boss is different than feedback to your colleague. Keep it on a big picture level, where you can provide your observation on the overall effectiveness. Be prepared to offer constructive criticism if requested, but remain aware that sometimes bosses need simple and sincere statement that you have been paying attention.

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