Dressing up for an interview is a very important aspect in job hunting. It affects the potential employer’s first impression on you. It may not be the sole factor in their decision whether to hire you or not, but the way you present yourself definitely will affect your chances to project a positive image of yourself.
As a woman, one of the most frequently asked questions is this: Do I wear trousers or skirt? Truth is, it doesn’t matter whether you choose to wear a pair of trousers or a skirt. The importance is how you carry them. If you choose trousers, ensure that the length and fit are just right and the pockets should not bulge. If you choose a skirt, avoid mini-skirts or tight-fitting skirts.
The overall rule when it comes to interview dress codes is simple: dress professionally. What does dressing professionally mean? Let’s make it simple by coming up with a Do’s and Don’ts list.
- Do wear a suit, preferably navy, black, beige or gray color. You may also wear patterned suits with wide lapels.
- Do make sure that your suit skirt is long enough so you can sit down comfortably.
- Do wear conservative shoes. Make sure they are clean.
- Do wear limited jewelry. No jewelry is better than cheap and tacky ones.
- Do wear neutral pantyhose or stockings.
- Do make sure that your nails are clean, preferably manicured.
- Do organize your documents by putting them inside a briefcase or portfolio.
- Do browse online for samples of corporate or business attire so you may get inspirations for your interview attire, most especially if it’s your first time to buy corporate clothes.
- Don’t wear dangling earrings or chunky bracelets. They may distract the interviewer.
- Don’t wear suits that are tight, crinkles or with sleeves that are too short.
- Don’t choose your attire at the last minute. They should be prepared at least the night before the interview.
- Don’t wear too much make up.
- Don’t overdo your accessories. Experts say keep the total number of your accessories less than 15—this includes your shoes, scarf, earrings, nail polish, make up, bangles, watches, rings, necklace etc.
As a final reminder, consider the nature of your company and the job you are applying for. There are companies that are strict with corporate attires, while other companies such as those in the creative or art industries that are a bit laid back in dressing.
Today’s job market is very competitive, and it is always a smart move to do what it takes to get the job. And if this means dressing the part, then do it! You can also check out these 9 tips on how to dress up for an interview.