Part Time Careers That Pay Well

Part Time Careers that pay well

With on going recession, and rising costs of living, we are seeking opportunities to increase our earnings – either switching jobs or taking on part time careers. However, in case of part time careers, we are usually interested in those jobs that pay well, so that we can compensate for the time spent at making … Read more

How to get a job in Dubai

jobs in dubai

Dubai is the financial hub and most active emirate of UAE. Job seekers over the world are seeking ways to get a job in Dubai, because of the standard of living and tax free income in Dubai. The job market in Dubai is competitive due to the number of foreigners attracted to living and working … Read more

How to create a Social Resume

Social Resume

Social Resume is basically a collection of your social media profiles in a presentable form. Due to the immense popularity of Social Media, employers and recruiters are now looking out for candidates with a strong social media presence, hence the birth of Social Resume. Your Social Resume can consist of your profile on Social Media … Read more