Online Jobs for College Students

jobs for college students

College students often complaint that it is hard for them to find a job because employers expect them to have some sort of experience. However, in this day and age of information and Internet technology, online work opportunities for college students are abundant. There are number of jobs available that require little or no experience. … Read more

Job Ideas for First Time Workers

jobs for first time workers

Getting a good first-time job is the most daunting first step on the long road of a professional career. Your first job will set you on course. It also develops key skills that will help you in the long run. However, it is not always a piece of cake to get a nice first job. … Read more

How to get Business Process Outsourcing Jobs

How to get Business Process Outsourcing Jobs

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the process of hiring another company to handle its business activities such as its manufacturing or human resources tasks, and other front-end services such as customer care and technical support. Global BPO is another related term, which means offshoring or outsourcing outside the company’s home country or primary market. BPO … Read more

Top Careers in Marketing

Marketing Careers

Marketing has evolved so much during must few decades that marketing job descriptions now cover everything from engineering to planning and from human resources management to software development. The following top careers in marketing are the fastest growing, most satisfying and best paying jobs within the field of marketing. E-commerce & Digital Marketing Specialists. Jobs … Read more

How to get a job in Dubai

jobs in dubai

Dubai is the financial hub and most active emirate of UAE. Job seekers over the world are seeking ways to get a job in Dubai, because of the standard of living and tax free income in Dubai. The job market in Dubai is competitive due to the number of foreigners attracted to living and working … Read more

Executive Job Search Tips

Executive Recruitment

To correctly apply the executive job search tips below, one must learn what exactly an executive is. According to the , an executive is “a person or group appointed and given the responsibility to manage the affairs of an organization and the authority to make decisions within specific boundaries”. The keywords here are “management” … Read more

How to Spot Work from Home Scams

Work from home scams

How do you tell if a work from home job posting is a scam or is a legitimate home-based job? There are warning signs and if you keep them in mind, you can easily spot if the job post is a scam. There are sites that you can browse through and you can read up … Read more

7 Job Search Traps

job search tips

Reports on the uncertainty of the current economy are dominating the headlines, and it’s easy to allow those stories to weigh on you, especially if you are in the middle of drawn-out a job search. Instead of feeling helpless, remember that in any economy, companies need good people. And by fine-tuning your job-search strategy, you … Read more